Cargo Liability Assessment (Marine) “CLAM”

About CLAMs

CLAMs is a chat bot developed by Alison Cusack (founder of Cusack & Co) designed to simplify cargo claims.

For importers, exporters, forwarders alike cargo claims are simply not part of core business. So then why are they spending the same amount of time and energy on every claim when not all claims are alike?

CLAMs is designed to collect the cargo claim information and provide a traffic light assessment on the claim so you can triage your cargo claims. This is especially useful for businesses which need to streamline their claims approach for more timely responses to their clients. The aim is to create efficiency in your business so your staff’s focus can be on core business.

The process

When you start the bot, it’ll ask you to confirm you’ve read the terms and conditions  and whether you need a standard turn around (2 weeks) or an urgent review (2 business days).

You can opt out of the process at any time up until submitting.

If you opt out before submitting, you will not have to pay for the service (but of course you will not receive an assessment!)

The process works on a per ocean bill basis, so no matter how many containers you have on the one bill, it counts as “one” claim.

You can redo questions (using the reverse arrow) or completely start over if you’ve mucked up somewhere along the way. You can also upload extra documentation (if you haven’t already been asked for it) at the end if you think it’s relevant.

Once you submit (complete the chat) you are agreeing to pay for the report. You’ll receive a confirmation email, and within 2 weeks we’ll be in touch for you to pay to receive your report.

What is the cost

One Off:

For standard reviews:  AUD$500 + GST
For urgent reviews:      AUD$1,000 + GST


CLAMs is also available via a subscription basis

Subscription Pricing

Who is CLAMs for?

CLAMs is assessing cargo claims against ocean carriers, so anyone listed on the ocean bill of lading, or a forwarder/agent on behalf of the shipper or consignee.

Who is assessing my claim?

Founder Alison Cusack together with a former ocean carrier head of claims will be reviewing cargo claim documents submitted via CLAMs for assessment.

When do I get my report?

Your report will be ready in 2 weeks (for standard reviews) and 2 business days (for urgent reviews).

Once your report is ready, we will be in touch for you to pay for your report before it is emailed to your designated email address.

What do I get in my report?

Once your cargo claim has been assessed, Cusack & Co will provide (upon payment) a one-page report utilising a traffic light system. This assessment is made purely on the information which you have provided utilising the CLAMs bot and if you have failed to provide all necessary information Cusack & Co may not request further information in the assessment of your claim.

Your one-page report will look like the sample report and it’ll explain in 1-2 paragraphs why we have categorised the claim as which colour.

It’ll also be a summary of the shipment details so you can put it on the front of your cargo claim folder or file for easy reference.

Also provided with the report is a summary of all the details you provided via the chat bot in one easy .pdf document.

As we are a law firm your report will also be privileged legal information which can be useful if you decide to pursue your cargo claim against the relevant ocean carrier.

See a Sample Report

Can you lodge my cargo claim with the ocean carrier?

Absolutely! Cargo claim recoveries is a service Cusack & Co offers and once you receive your report we can discuss pricing to proceed with your claim.

I keep receiving “Red” assessment – can you help with business improvements?

Yes! If you are receiving “Red” assessments due to internal processes, Cusack & Co can assist you improve processes to minimise or eliminate these issues within your supply chain and business.

Can I modify CLAMs for my business?

Yes! If you think a modified version of CLAMs could be useful in your business in collecting information from your customers get in touch to discuss a bespoke product. It can have your branding, your specific needs to streamline your information gathering process and create more efficiency in your business.

Terms & Conditions:

View our Standard Terms & Conditions

Standard T&Cs